The castles above and below were converted from an action figure line of the mid-80' was a Castle Greyskull...I painted
it, added floors near the ramparts and windows, gave it a good highlight wash and hotglued lichen to hide the "skull" does very well with 54mm and 60mm figures...
Above is a conversion I am quite proud of...a Toy Major safari guy (2 bucks for a bag of 60) converted to a 1st Cav Division
Trooper, 1967. I cut up the bayonet attacking PPC guy, used his M16, helmet, canteen, and bayonet and carved out the safari
guys jungle boots and painted the whole deal. You see the beginning and end product. This one was immediately claimed by Monkey
06 for his collection. Conversions can be as simple as cutting off a feather bonnet, adding hair with putty and
slopping on some paint. Below, a Timpo Highlander about to exact some revenge for some Frenchie bouncing musket ball off of
his noggin. GRRRR!!
PPC Viet Nam Soldier Conversion |
Another PPC SWAT Conversion. |
These SWAT cops were made from Processed Plastics Corporation (PPC) US Infantry troops. The vast number
and availability of these 60mm figures make them an excellent target for conversions. I used the Mortarman and the Machine
Gunner for the conversions.
Mortar Conversion: The mortar was cut off of the figure and his right hand was taken off as
well. The pistol hand from the PPC Officer figure was grafted onto the mortarman. A pistol mounted flashlight was made
from scrap plastic. The mortar shell in the left hand was cut down to represent a smoke cannister. A handcuff case and
radio was fashioned from scrap plastic and placed on the belt and back of the figure.
Machine Gunner Conversion: The machine gun was cut down to form the pistol in the grasp of the
machine gunner. The pistol mounted flashlight on the MG figure was made from the barrel of the MG. A radio and handcuff case
was fashioned from scrap plastic. Both figures were given a dark grey uniform and black entry vest paint job.
A PPC Grenadier converted to a Rebel Officer |